Time is on My Side

Cold mailman - Time is of the essence from André Chocron on Vimeo.

A group of unassuming residential towers in ’s Grorud Valley neighborhood have been transformed into the stars of Cold Mailman’s video “Time is of the essence” directed by André Chocron.

Taking full advantage of the density of the towers, Chocron set up multiple cameras at various angles in order to shoot a sequence of time lapse videos from sundown to sunup. What looks like an intricately choreographed light show, is cleverly composited in post-production. Predictably, in the evening residents turned their lights on, and as the evening progressed turned them off. In order to create the dance of lights in similar effect to that of an equalizer, Chocron switches between the illuminated and darkened states in concert with the choreography of the song. The end result is an intriguing audiovisual composition.


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