Architecture as Icon

"Noble life demands a noble architecture for noble uses of noble men. Lack of culture means what it has always meant: ignoble civilization and therefore imminent downfall."

Frank Lloyd Wright

Iconic Silhouette

The Sydney Opera House and Uluru are significant cultural signifiers of Australia, their iconic silhouettes are readily identifiable and defy context and scale.

“the building (Parliament House) was a ‘very appropriate solution for the site’, but it doesn’t touch the heart as much as say the Sydney Opera House.
— Lindsey Clare

The Capital Hill complex’s adaptive superstructure will develop a unique iconic silhouette and presence that becomes a symbol for the Australian Parliament, for the city of Canberra and as an international signifier of the Australian people on a global stage.

An amalgamation of the Capital Hill complex’s amorphic superstructure with Australian embassies allowing for adaptation and growth of these international functions and serves and as a means of cultural branding and demarcation.

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