An Architecture of Selection

A life cycle - propagate then decay

Optimized Architectural relationships prosper and grow into ubiquity, the herd is thinned only the fittest survive.

When a flexible space adapts to a specialised optimal state it only remains optimised while the function remains active. Post-activity, spatial requirements remain then become progressively de-optimised and degrade, this regressive state can be called the decay of the optimal space

An everyday example is a gathering of friends at a house party a few friends migrate to the kitchen to assist in preparations the space is smaller and feels cosy full of life, the warmth of the stove the action of the kitchen, more guests arrive the party moves to the lounge, the party seeks to find the optimal balance between space and density for 6 people in a domestic kitchen feels activated but 6 people at a night club is lifeless, as the party grows the activation of space inside is excessive, it spills into the back yard and then the front yard, guests numbers increase, revellers spill on to the street awaiting transport to a larger venue, activities die down, guest numbers steadily drop, spaces steadily regress, the kitchen is once again the focal point.

When a spatial arrangement no-longer suits inhabitant’s needs, change occurs, a selection of new requirements, new arrangements, these new conditions lead to a new optimization evolves.

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