An Architecture of Circadian Rhythm

Day & Night

An Architecture of Seasons

Summer - Aurtum - Winter - Spring

Parliament sitting & Parliament not sitting

An Architecture of Cycles

Functions and Spatial Arrangements Shift Merge Grow Decay and Disperse

An Architecture of Selection

A life cycle - propagate then decay

Optimized Architectural relationships prosper and grow into ubiquity, the herd is thinned only the fittest survive.

An Architecture of Purge and Rebirth

Election - New government

Change in system of Government – republic – annexation of south pacific nations, communist, despot, tyranny etc

An Architecture of Growth

Growth of Government & public servants & members of parliament
Growth of Parliamentary Services
Growth of the Nation

An Architecture of Integration

New technological integration with government

An Architecture of Disobedience

Actively supports those who seek to peaceful oppose the Government

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