Just Breathe

Untitled from peter on Vimeo.

Reflected Environments final installation exhibited on the SmartGeometry 2011 Conference at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark

Video reblogged from Smart Geometry


How can Wall become a Room?

How can a
Divider become a Space?

Kinetic architecture that breathes and transforms space…
Can the canopy lower similar partitions in a variety of scales, office cubical dividers, room dividers, hall dividers, whole rooms, and whole buildings?

Imagine if this stage like backdrops retracted into the canopy if architecture melted away when not in use ….. Becoming architecture on demand…
But then how can the architecture have presences?

Is this concept limited to internal space division?

Iis this concept just a new generation of concertina walls destine to be neglected and fall in to disuse and disrepair?

How can flexibility be maximised within the architecture but be actually implemented by the users?

Can flexibility be imposed?

Can flexible architecture exist as flexible if flexibility is forced upon a user?

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