NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY

The NonLin/Lin Pavilion has a computer-generated form composed of tubes and donut shapes.

NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY

Assembled from 27 components, the four metre-high structure can be taken apart and reassembled in different locations.

NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY

Over 155,000 asterisk-shaped perforations of different sizes create a pattern on the surface of the pavilion.

NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY

NonLin/Lin Pavilion now forms part of the permanent collection at the FRAC Centre in Orleans, France.

NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY

Other projects from the Dezeen archive with computer-generated forms include a lattice dome and bulging plaster-filled lycra with stitched patterns.

NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY

Photography is by Francois Lauginie.

NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY

The following details are from Fornes:

nonLin/Lin Pavilion | FRAC Centre (permanent collection) | Orleans, France.
Pre-Assembly v1.0
Marc Fornes / THEVERYMANY™ ©2011

nonLin/Lin Pavilion – is a prototype which engages in a series of architectural experiments referred to as text based morphologies. Beyond its visual perception of sculptural and formal qualities, the prototypes are built forms developed through custom computational protocols. The parameters of these protocols are based on form finding (surface relaxation), form description (composition of developable linear elements), information modeling (re-assembly data), generational hierarchy (distributed networks), and digital fabrication (logistic of production).

quoted from


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